Circus Club was a student ran high school club created by Owen Blenker and Gabe Hansen. This club was made to display the serious no-nonsense side of the circus job field. This club is taken 100% seriously and has a strict no games policy. We have had 3 meetings over the course of the second semester of the 2023 school year which have included lessons on:
- Goals and aspirations in Circus Club
- The history of the circus
- How to juggle
- An in depth analysis of the "This is Me" music video from the hit movie The Greatest Showman
- A guest speaker who actually works in the circus (shoutout Natalie Frank)
- Piling 9 clowns in a car and driving around the block
On April 28, the Circus Club Field Trip was announced. It was unfortunately shut down by the school system authorities.
Circus Club announced its collapse on May 27th, 2023. You can read the full Circus Club story on the self-published feature article here.
You can find our debut interview on our school news here, and attached is our yearbook photo where we were recognized with a 2.5”x1.5” student section feature.